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Boost your business operations and minimize risks by incorporating proficient teams or individual engineers, alongside adaptable payroll solutions, for short or long-term project engagements.



Staff supplementation

41% of IT leaders say they use staff augmentation to access specialized skills and knowledge not available in-house.


Global IT

The global market for IT staff augmentation services is expected to reach $35.35 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 6.2% from 2021 to 2028.


Skills search

70% of hiring managers in the technology industry have used staff augmentation services to find skilled IT professionals.


  • Staff outsourcing solutions

    • Hiring efficiency

      Our dedicated consultants secure the best talents in the quickest time possible, with an average of just 5-15 working days to fill a vacancy.

    • Scalability

      Expand or reduce the number of specialists on a project in less time than it would take based on in-house resources.
    • Global talent pool

      Bridge gaps in your team's know-how and instantly boost performance by leveraging freelance specialists with extensive experience while optimizing costs.
    • Liability transfer

      Link Group serves as the formal employer for specialists assigned to the project, providing end-to-end management of all employment-related aspects.
    • Payroll services

      We handle all aspects of payroll, from payment processing to more complex payroll management such as tax compliance, benefits management, and recordkeeping.
  • Our outsourcing approach

    • 01. Kick-off meeting

      Creation of job-specific qualifications and skill requirements criteria list based on the client's needs.
    • 02. Strategy proposal

      Delivery of a project plan including expert acquisition strategy and deadlines.
    • 03. Expert shortlisting

      Selection of available experts matching the client's criteria.
    • 04. Competency evaluation

      Assessment of technical skills through competency-based questions.
    • 05. Reference check & onboarding

      Reference checks with previous employers of selected specialists, followed by their onboarding to the project.

Contact us

We're here for you, contact us We build and scale up software teams to accelerate your business growth

Why Link Group

Dedicated outsourcing services for companies with varying needs

Outsourcing and staff augmentation
  1. Facing team capacity challenges
  2. Seeking to transfer specific project responsibilities
  3. Requiring niche expertise
  4. Prioritizing time-to-market
  5. Whose existing skill sets no longer align with their business needs


Reliable technology partner

Our specialists have acquired cloud certifications from leading providers. We're always equipped with the latest knowledge and skills to help you succeed.

Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure
Amazon_Web_Services_Logo 1
Google Cloud Platform
Google Cloud Platform

They trusted us






Standard Chartered

Link Group in numbers

  • %

    of consultants in Link Group’s network use  Agile

  • +

    experts - our monthly sourcing capability

  • +

    of our engineers are at the Senior level with 8+ years of experience

Why Link Group

The Group you can trust

Plenty of tech development professionals in business have put their trust in us and our work

“Our trusted partner for over half a decade.”

Przemek Kowalewski

Przemek Kowalewski

CEO, Westwing

“Miles ahead of their competitors.”

Wojciech Lacz

Wojciech Łącz

CIO, Accor

“Reliable even for the most demanding.”

Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski

Head of Global Infrastructure, Danone

“I recognize and recommend Link Group as a highly valued partner and look forward to many years of precious partnership.”

Artur Hajski

Artur Hajski

Director of Engineering, UNUM

“Excellent support allowed for efficient time allocation.”

Dorota Sieklicka

Dorota Sieklicka

Head of BI, CCC

Contact us

We're here for you, contact us We build and scale up software teams to accelerate your business growth


Other cooperation models to fit the nature of your business

Projects & Solutions

Access comprehensive solutions tailored to support your tech projects or drive growth in specific areas.


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Managed Services

Find on-demand services that can help you tackle your needs in cloud and app management, cybersecurity, or UX & UI.


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  • What are the differences between hiring an employee on an employment contract and B2B?

    • B2B and employment contracts primarily differ regarding the body of law to which the parties to both contracts are subject. For an employment contract, it is the Polish Labor Code, and for B2B contracts it is the Civil Code.

      One of the more significant differences is the tax and social security payment liability. The employer covers these costs for an employee under an employment contract. In case of a B2B contract, the costs are borne by the contractor. 

      In addition, an employee on an employment contract is provided with paid vacation (20 or 26 days depending on tenure), paid sick leave, and additional days off for occasional special situations (funerals, births, etc.). An individual on a B2B contract may be provided with paid vacation under the terms of a gentleman's agreement with the employer.

      Both contracts also differ in their notice periods: for an employment contract, the notice period ranges from 2 weeks to 3 months, while for a B2B contract, it is flexible, but usually 1 month. 

  • How long does it take you to deliver a specialist/a team of specialists?

    • It depends upon the role, its complexity, and technical requirements. Usually, it takes us between 5 and 15 working days to fill a vacancy.
  • How do Link Group’s contractors report their working hours?

    • It works both ways: Contractors monitor and report their hours directly in the client's ATS system, where at the end of each month managers approve them or conduct the hourly reports in their Spreadsheets (also approved by the managers).