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Avoid these 5 mistakes in your IT outsourcing partner choice


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Avoid these 5 mistakes in your IT outsourcing partner choice


25 May 2023


Marta Zwierz

Marta Zwierz

As businesses strive to remain competitive, reduce costs, and concentrate on their core activities, outsourcing IT services has become a prevalent strategy. However, selecting the right IT outsourcing partner can be a daunting task that requires careful consideration and a thorough understanding of the potential risks and rewards.

According to recent studies, the global IT outsourcing market is expected to grow by a CAGR of 6.2% between 2021 and 2028, reaching a value of $1,185.8 billion by 2028. This rapid growth has led to a proliferation of IT outsourcing providers, making it more challenging for companies to find the right partner.

Making the wrong choice can have serious consequences, including delays, cost overruns, and poor-quality work. By understanding the most common mistakes and taking steps to avoid them, you can ensure that your company selects the right partner for your needs.

5 mistakes it outsourcing

Mistake #1. Failing to define clear goals and objectives

Clear goals and objectives provide a roadmap for the outsourcing partner to follow. They ensure everyone is on the same page and that the project is moving in the right direction. Without clear goals and objectives, the outsourcing partner may not know what the company wants to achieve, making it difficult to meet expectations.

Examples of what can go wrong when goals and objectives are not clearly defined include:


When goals and objectives are not clearly defined, it is easy for miscommunication to occur between the company and the outsourcing partner. This can lead to delays, misunderstandings, and even project failure.

Poor quality of work

Without clear goals and objectives, the outsourcing partner may not understand the company's needs or expectations, resulting in poor-quality work that does not meet the company's standards.

Unnecessary expenses

Without clear goals and objectives, the outsourcing partner may not know what is required, resulting in unnecessary expenses for the company.


To avoid this mistake, it is important to take the time to define clear goals and objectives before beginning the outsourcing process. Here are some tips for doing so:

Identify the business objectives

Start by identifying the business objectives the outsourcing project should achieve. This will help to ensure that the project is aligned with the company's overall strategy.

Set clear expectations

Clearly communicate the project's scope, goals, and expectations to the outsourcing partner. Ensure that everyone is on the same page and that there is a mutual understanding of what needs to be achieved.

Use metrics to measure progress

Use KPIs or OKRs to measure progress and track the success of the outsourcing project. This will help to ensure that the project is on track and that the outsourcing partner is meeting the company's expectations.

5 mistakes in outsourcing

Mistake #2. Lack of adequate research

The importance of research cannot be overstated. It enables you to evaluate potential outsourcing partners and make informed decisions. By conducting research, you can identify partners who have the expertise, experience, and resources necessary to deliver high-quality services that meet their specific needs. Additionally, research can help you avoid partners who lack the necessary skills and experience, have poor reputations, or have a history of poor performance.

Failure to match needs

What can go wrong when research is not done properly? For starters, your company may end up partnering with outsourcing providers who are not a good fit for your needs. This can result in subpar service quality, missed deadlines, and additional expenses.

Compromised security

Companies may also end up partnering with providers who do not adhere to industry best practices or fail to meet regulatory requirements, leading to potential legal issues or even security breaches.

Thorough evaluation

To avoid this mistake, companies should take the time to conduct thorough research before choosing an outsourcing partner. This can include reviewing potential partners' portfolios, analyzing case studies and client testimonials, conducting interviews or site visits to evaluate their capabilities and infrastructure.

It's also essential to ask questions about their methodologies, quality assurance practices, and project management processes to ensure that they align with the company's needs and expectations.

Credentials verification

Another key aspect of research is verifying the outsourcing partner's credentials, including their certifications, awards, and industry affiliations. This can help companies ensure that the partner has the necessary expertise, adheres to industry standards, and maintains a commitment to quality and innovation.

To avoid costly mistakes and suboptimal outcomes, you should prioritize research and take the time to evaluate potential partners carefully. 


5 mistakes in outsourcing

Mistake #3. Not considering cultural fit

When it comes to choosing an IT outsourcing partner, many companies make the mistake of solely focusing on technical capabilities and experience, while overlooking the importance of cultural fit. Cultural fit is crucial to the success of any outsourcing project, as it affects everything from communication to work style to decision-making processes.

Bridge the gap

Why is cultural fit important? Working with an outsourcing partner means collaborating with a team from a different country, with different cultural norms, values, and practices. These differences can impact the way projects are managed, the way tasks are executed, and the way problems are solved. A lack of cultural fit can result in misunderstandings, conflicts, delays, and even project failure.

Overcoming cultural challenges

For example, imagine a company in the US outsourcing a project to a team in India. The Indian team may have a different work culture where hierarchical structures and deference to authority are emphasized, whereas the US company may have a more collaborative and egalitarian culture. If these cultural differences are not recognized and addressed, it could lead to communication breakdowns and misunderstandings that could jeopardize the project's success.


To avoid this mistake, it's important to consider cultural fit from the outset of the outsourcing process. This means assessing the cultural compatibility of potential partners and being transparent about your own cultural expectations and values.

Here are some tips for avoiding the mistake of not considering cultural fit:

Harmony in values

Look for partners whose cultural values align with your own. Consider factors such as communication style, decision-making processes, and work style.

Training and guidance

Conduct cultural training and orientation for both your own team and the outsourcing partner's team. This can help to bridge cultural gaps and build understanding.

Feedback facilitation

Encourage open communication and feedback between both teams. This can help to identify and resolve cultural issues before they become problems.

When choosing an IT outsourcing partner, the cultural fit should hold equal significance to technical expertise and experience.


5 mistakes in outsourcing

Mistake #4. Choosing based on price alone

In the process of selecting an IT outsourcing partner, one common mistake made by many companies is solely focusing on price as the determining factor. While cost is undoubtedly important, it should not be the sole consideration.

Low cost, hidden expenses

Choosing an outsourcing partner based on price alone can lead to several negative outcomes. For example, a low-cost provider may not have the necessary experience, resources, or expertise to meet your company's needs. This can lead to delays, subpar work, and other issues that ultimately end up costing more time and money in the long run.

Negligent investment

Another risk of choosing based on price alone is that it can lead to a lack of alignment between the company and the outsourcing partner. If the partner is focused solely on delivering the lowest price, they may not be as invested in meeting the company's goals and objectives. This can lead to a lack of communication, misalignment, and ultimately, project failure.

Lasting partnerships

When evaluating potential outsourcing partners, companies should also consider the value of long-term relationships. While a low-cost provider may seem attractive initially, it may not be the best long-term partner. Companies should consider the long-term benefits of partnering with a provider that offers high-quality work and strong communication and collaboration.

Look beyond the price and consider factors such as experience, reputation, and cultural fit. Communicate expectations and goals upfront to ensure alignment and commitment from potential partners.


5 mistakes in outsourcing

Mistake #5. Failing to establish clear lines of communication

For any successful partnership, including IT outsourcing, clear and effective communication plays a vital role. When language barriers, varying time zones, or different communication styles come into play, it becomes even more imperative to establish clear lines of communication from the very beginning.

Unified communication paths

To avoid this mistake, companies should establish clear communication channels, including regular meetings and checkpoints, to ensure that everyone is on the same page. It's essential to specify protocols for how communication will be handled, including language expectations, response times, and escalation procedures.

Synchronized execution

Additionally, it's crucial to ensure that all parties have a clear understanding of the project's scope, goals, and timelines, and that everyone has access to the same project management tools and platforms.

Partners in communication

When selecting an outsourcing partner, it's important to consider their communication skills and their ability to communicate effectively with your team. Look for a partner who is willing to work with you to establish communication protocols and who is committed to keeping you informed of their progress and any issues that arise.

By prioritizing clear communication and establishing protocols from the outset, you can avoid the pitfalls of poor communication and ensure a successful outsourcing partnership.


5 mistakes in outsourcing

Selecting the appropriate IT outsourcing partner is a complex and challenging endeavor. From our discussion, we have identified the following top five mistakes that companies commonly make in the process:

  1. Neglecting to define clear goals and objectives.
  2. Insufficient research conducted prior to the selection.
  3. Overlooking the importance of cultural fit.
  4. Relying solely on price as the deciding factor.
  5. Failing to establish effective lines of communication.

By steering clear of these errors, you can enhance your chances of finding the ideal IT outsourcing partner for your organization. Remember, outsourcing can bring various benefits, including cost savings, access to specialized skills and technologies, and increased flexibility. However, it is crucial to make the right choice to ensure the success of your outsourcing venture.


25 May 2023


Marta Zwierz

Marta Zwierz

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