What is FinOps?


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What is FinOps?


22 Nov 2023


Tomasz Smirnow

Tomasz Smirnow

FinOps is the new cornerstone of tech strategy, turning cloud economics into a competitive edge. It's where financial clarity meets cloud complexity, enabling teams to align spending with speed and innovation. With FinOps, cost efficiency is no longer an afterthought—it's a key driver of tech decisions, ensuring that cloud investments deliver optimal value without waste.

Defining FinOps

FinOps is an operational framework that merges financial, technological, and business insights to drive cost-effective cloud usage without compromising on performance or capability.

The FinOps Lifecycle

  • Inform: This initial phase involves the deployment of sophisticated tools and methodologies for real-time tracking and reporting of cloud spend, which provides a detailed breakdown of expenses across different services and operations.
  • Optimize: Drawing from the data collected, this phase employs techniques such as resource tagging, automated scaling, and commitment-based discounts (like Reserved Instances or Savings Plans) to tailor cloud usage to fluctuating demand patterns and eliminate inefficiencies.
  • Operate: In the final phase, policy-driven governance models are implemented to ensure ongoing cost management discipline. This encompasses continuous monitoring, anomaly detection, and a feedback loop to refine the policies that govern cloud spending.


Principles of FinOps

Collaborative Teams

Uniting finance, tech, and business units ensures holistic management of cloud costs. This collaboration is vital for aligning financial insights with operational priorities.

Individual Ownership

Empowering all users to manage their cloud resources promotes a culture of cost-consciousness, crucial for maintaining efficiency and avoiding wasteful spending.

Centralized FinOps Team

A specialized team steers the FinOps strategy, instilling best practices and maintaining a balance between cost optimization and business agility.

Timely, Accessible Reports

Immediate access to spending data allows stakeholders to make swift, informed decisions, fostering an environment of proactive rather than reactive cost management.

Business Value-Centric

Financial decisions are rooted in the business value derived from cloud investments, ensuring cost optimization efforts do not impede innovation or service quality.

Variable Cost Model Leverage

The cloud’s pay models can be optimized to align with business demands, facilitating a scalable approach that adjusts to the ebb and flow of organizational requirements.


The Maturity Model of FinOps

FinOps maturity encapsulates an organization’s proficiency and integration of FinOps principles and practices. It can be segmented into three stages: Crawl, Walk, and Run. Identifying which stage your organization currently inhabits is essential to chart a path toward full FinOps maturity.

Crawl Stage

Organizations in this phase are beginning to recognize cloud costs as critical to manage. There is a reliance on basic cost management tools and sporadic efforts to curb spending.

Walk Stage

Processes for managing cloud costs become more formalized and repeatable. Organizations start investing in better tooling and more defined processes.

Run Stage

Here, FinOps is a core business process, deeply integrated into the organization's culture. Processes are sophisticated, and optimization is continuous.


Stakeholders in FinOps

Successful FinOps implementation is contingent upon the collaboration of various stakeholders, each playing a vital role in integrating and executing FinOps practices within an organization.

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

The CFO ensures FinOps practices are conducive to the broader financial health of the enterprise, often sponsoring initiatives that drive cost efficiency and accountability.

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

The CTO champions the adoption of FinOps within technology teams, promoting a balance between speed, cost, and quality in the cloud services used.

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

In FinOps, the CIO plays a key role in ensuring that IT operations are not only cost-effective but also resilient and agile through cloud cost optimization and management.

Heads of Engineering/DevOps

They embed FinOps principles into the engineering lifecycle, ensuring teams consider cost implications in the CI/CD pipeline and infrastructure decisions.

Financial Analysts/Controllers

In FinOps, they track cloud expenditures, validate the financial impact of cloud services, and provide insights to guide cost-efficient cloud usage.

Project Managers

They ensure that project-level decisions incorporate cost awareness, and they work with FinOps to align project delivery with organizational cost optimization goals.


By integrating FinOps into daily workflows, engineers are encouraged to write cost-effective code and select resource-efficient technologies.


Elevate Your Cloud Game

Navigate Cloud Investments with FinOps

Capabilities of FinOps

A robust FinOps framework hinges on six foundational capabilities, each serving to fortify effective cloud cost management strategies within an organization.

Cloud Financial Management

A comprehensive approach to budgeting, forecasting, and managing cloud costs that includes monitoring and reporting mechanisms.

Cost Allocation

Essence: The ability to assign cloud costs to the appropriate teams, projects, or business units, usually through tagging or other attribution methods.

Benchmarking & Forecasting

Comparing current cloud spend against historical data, industry standards, and future business projections.

Performance Management

Monitoring and optimizing the performance of cloud resources to ensure they are cost-effective and aligned with usage requirements.

Rate Optimization

The ongoing process of adjusting to changing pricing models, using reserved instances, savings plans, or negotiating better rates.

Governance & Control

Establishing policies and processes to manage and control cloud spending across the organization.

Mastering FinOps is about transforming cloud investments into catalysts for innovation and growth. Delve into our cloud services, seamlessly integrated with FinOps wisdom, and discover a pathway to enhanced financial and technological agility for your organization.



22 Nov 2023


Tomasz Smirnow

Tomasz Smirnow

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