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Top cybersecurity threats to watch out for in 2023


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Top cybersecurity threats to watch out for in 2023


07 Jun 2023


Marta Zwierz

Marta Zwierz

Navigating the complex and rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats has never been more crucial. As our dependence on digital systems deepens, the stakes continue to rise. Recent reports indicate that the global average cost of a data breach has soared to $4.35 million, up by 13% from 2020, making it clear that the digital realm is fraught with dangers that are as diverse as they are damaging.

As we stand midway through 2023, the threats are not only escalating in number but also in sophistication. According to the World Economic Forum, cybersecurity risks now rank among the top ten threats to global stability. Meanwhile, Gartner's forecasts predict that worldwide IT spending on cybersecurity is set to hit a staggering $188.3 billion this year.

The message to leaders of tech departments across enterprises is unequivocal: maintaining an awareness of current threats is no longer optional - it's a critical part of safeguarding the integrity of your digital ecosystems.

This article will unravel the top cybersecurity threats enterprises might face this year. It aims to arm you with the knowledge necessary to mitigate these risks and fortify your digital defenses effectively.

Advanced persistent threats (APTs)

In the 2023 cybersecurity scene, the silent but sinister adversary known as Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) emerges as one of the top concerns for enterprises. APTs are not your run-of-the-mill cyber threats. They are protracted, covert attacks, strategically aimed at sensitive information, exploiting vulnerabilities over an extended period.

Statistics reveal the escalating trend of APTs. According to PurpleSec, 78% of companies experience downtime as a result of an APT attack, which demonstrates their place amongst the foremost cyber threats today. Moreover, a recent study from IBM showed that organizations taking over 200 days to identify a breach - a common timeframe in APT scenarios - faced costs that were, on average, 37% higher than breaches detected more quickly.

A notorious example of an APT is the 2020 SolarWinds incident, which affected thousands of organizations worldwide, remaining undetected for an unsettling length of time.

In the battle against APTs, regular system updates, robust password protocols, comprehensive endpoint protection, and an educated workforce are crucial. Utilizing AI and machine learning-powered threat detection and response tools can further fortify defenses, offering early detection and rapid response to these stealthy threats.


Cloud security breaches

According to a report by Risk Based Security, cloud-based breaches have surged by 41% in the past year alone. This is a staggering statistic, reinforcing the criticality of securing our cloud-based assets.

One striking case is the Accellion FTA hack, where vulnerabilities in the file transfer appliance were exploited, leading to significant data leaks for numerous companies. This case underscores how crucial it is to regularly check and update cloud services.

Weak points in cloud security often lie in its governance, not just the technology. Misconfigured security settings, inadequate access controls, and weak end-point security can provide an entry point for cyber attackers. The IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023 affirms this, revealing that misconfigured cloud servers were responsible for a staggering 86% of stolen records.

Mitigating these vulnerabilities requires a holistic, multi-layered security strategy. Regular audits of security configurations and access controls, data encryption at rest and in transit, and stringent user authentication are all fundamental measures. Investing in a reliable Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) solution adds an additional layer of protection, providing visibility into cloud application use, data protection, and governance.

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Ransomware attacks

Ransomware, a malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid, has seen an unsettling evolution. It has shifted from widespread, indiscriminate attacks to highly-targeted operations against specific organizations, often with devastating effects.

According to the Black Kite's Ransomware Threat Landscape Report, Ransomware surged in early 2023, with March's 410 victims nearly doubling last April's 208 and exceeding 2022's peak month by 1.6 times. This growth is evidence of the intensifying threat landscape.

A notorious example of a 2022 ransomware attack was against Colonial Pipeline, the largest fuel pipeline in the US. This attack, conducted by DarkSide, a group that distributes RaaS (Ransomware-as-a-Service), not only led to significant financial loss but also demonstrated the potential societal impact of ransomware, causing widespread fuel shortages and price spikes.

A common pitfall that leaves companies vulnerable to ransomware attacks is inadequate security hygiene, such as outdated systems, lack of multi-factor authentication, and insufficient staff training. In fact, the 2023 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report highlighted that 30% of ransomware breaches were due to stolen credentials or phishing attacks.

In the face of this rising threat, enterprises must adopt a proactive, comprehensive approach to cybersecurity. This should involve regular security audits, up-to-date patch management, and robust endpoint security. User awareness training is also critical, as the human factor often plays a crucial role in these attacks.

Equally important are well-tested backup and recovery plans. Organizations must ensure they can recover swiftly and efficiently from an attack, minimizing downtime and data loss. The implementation of a strong incident response plan, coupled with a reliable backup strategy, can make the difference between a minor disruption and a catastrophic event.

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IoT security threats

Gartner forecasts that by the end of 2023, there will be 25.1 billion IoT devices in use worldwide, an increase of over 20% from 2022. However, along with this growth, cyber-attacks on IoT devices have also risen sharply, highlighting the urgent need for robust IoT security measures.

A significant example of an IoT breach is the infamous 2016 Dyn attack, where millions of IoT devices were infected with the Mirai malware, causing widespread disruption to major websites. While it may not be recent, the lessons learned from it remain relevant today.

Several vulnerabilities can make IoT networks easy targets. Outdated firmware, insecure data transmission, and poor password policies are common weak points. The 2023 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report indicates that 30% of ransomware attacks were IoT-based, pointing to the serious threats these vulnerabilities pose.

Securing IoT requires a multi-faceted strategy. Regular firmware updates are a must, as is encryption for data at rest and in transit. Strong password policies and secure network protocols can further harden IoT devices against attacks.

Moreover, enterprises should consider investing in advanced IoT security solutions. These tools provide network segmentation, device authentication, and anomaly detection, adding an extra layer of defense against potential breaches.

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AI and Machine Learning threats

The World Economic Forum’s 2023 Global Risk Report identifies AI and ML-driven cyber attacks as one of the top digital threats facing businesses. The dual-edged sword of these technologies lies in their power - while AI and ML can fortify cybersecurity defenses, they can also be exploited to enhance the effectiveness of attacks.

An alarming instance of this surfaced recently with the AI-driven DeepLocker attack. Cybercriminals employed AI to conceal malicious code within benign applications, bypassing traditional security measures to deliver ransomware directly to the intended target. This bespoke attack methodology demonstrated the dangerous new potential of AI in the hands of cyber adversaries.

Areas of potential vulnerability in AI/ML systems include insecure APIs, training data poisoning, and adversarial attacks designed to deceive ML models. The 2023 IBM Security Report states that over 40% of enterprises have experienced an AI-specific security breach within the last 12 months, emphasizing the criticality of these threats.

Mitigation strategies for AI and ML threats demand a fresh approach. Secure coding practices and comprehensive system audits are essential. AI systems should be designed with security in mind, including built-in countermeasures to resist adversarial attacks. Rigorous security testing and validation of ML models can also minimize the risk of exploitation.

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Remote work environment threats

In its recent analysis, Cybereason reported that 70% of companies had seen an increase in security incidents following the shift to remote work.

A striking case in point was the 2022 VPN-based attack on Twitter. A well-orchestrated social engineering attack targeted Twitter employees, working remotely, leading to a massive security breach. This incident brought to light the vulnerabilities that exist when employees work outside the traditional office environment.

The vulnerabilities lie not just in technology but also in human behavior. With home becoming the new office, the blending of personal and professional digital environments has created loopholes that cybercriminals are eager to exploit. A Verizon report highlights that phishing attempts increased by 44% since the start of remote work, demonstrating the increased vulnerability of workers outside of the traditional office environment.

Best practices for maintaining cybersecurity in hybrid/remote work scenarios have thus become paramount. Employing secure VPNs, enabling two-factor authentication, and regularly updating all software, including anti-virus software, are essential first steps. But the cornerstone of security is awareness. Regular cybersecurity training sessions, stressing the importance of practices like not clicking on suspicious emails and regularly changing passwords, can greatly reduce risk.

Facing the cyber threats of 2023

The cybersecurity landscape of 2023 poses formidable challenges with advanced persistent threats, cloud security breaches, ransomware attacks, IoT security risks, AI and machine learning vulnerabilities, and hybrid/remote work environment issues topping the list. Each carries potential for substantial damage, ranging from operational disruption to financial losses, and loss of consumer trust.

Despite these threats, staying informed and proactive in enhancing cybersecurity measures is crucial. In a rapidly evolving technological world, the defense against these threats is also evolving. It's not merely about responding to threats, but outsmarting them and creating a secure digital environment.

With the right knowledge and vigilance, navigating this complex landscape becomes manageable. This not only ensures your business success but also guarantees security and privacy on a global scale.


07 Jun 2023


Marta Zwierz

Marta Zwierz

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